Landscape Design for Mid Century Modern Homes

Mid-century modern homes are architectural gems that rose to popularity in the post-World War II era. These homes are characterized by clean lines, open spaces, and a minimalist aesthetic. However, the exterior of these homes is just as important as the interior, and this is where landscape design comes in.

Mid century modern homes have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their unique architectural style that emerged during the mid-20th century. Along with the rise in popularity of these homes, there has been a growing interest in landscape design that complements their distinct aesthetic. In this article, we will explore the principles and elements of landscape design for mid century modern homes, including plant selection, materials, and layout considerations. Whether you are designing your landscape from scratch or looking to make updates to an existing design, these tips will help you create a cohesive and visually appealing outdoor space that complements the architecture of your mid century modern home.

Understanding the Mid Century Modern Aesthetic

Before delving into landscape design for mid-century modern homes, it is crucial to understand the aesthetic. The mid-century modern aesthetic is all about simplicity, minimalism, and functionality. The design is characterized by clean lines, geometric shapes, and a lack of ornamentation. The goal is to create a space that is open, airy, and uncluttered.


One of the defining features of mid-century modern design is the use of bold, saturated colors. Think deep blues, greens, and oranges. These colors are often used in conjunction with more neutral tones, such as white, gray, and beige.

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Mid-century modern design makes use of natural materials, such as wood, stone, and glass. These materials are often left in their natural state, without embellishment or ornamentation. The goal is to create a space that feels connected to nature.

Landscape Design

When it comes to landscape design for mid-century modern homes, the goal is to create a space that complements the architecture. The landscape should be simple, uncluttered, and functional.

Key takeaway: When designing a landscape for a mid-century modern home, it is important to understand and incorporate the aesthetic, including the use of bold, saturated colors, natural materials, and simple, unobtrusive design elements. The landscape should complement the architectural style with easy-to-maintain plants and hardscaping.


The plants used in mid-century modern landscape design should be simple and unobtrusive. Think succulents, grasses, and low-growing shrubs. The goal is to create a space that is easy to maintain and doesn’t detract from the architecture.


Hardscaping is an essential element of mid-century modern landscape design. Think concrete, stone, and wood. The goal is to create a space that is functional and unobtrusive.

Water Features

Water features can be a great addition to mid-century modern landscape design. Think fountains, ponds, and waterfalls. However, it is crucial to keep the design simple and unobtrusive.

Creating a Cohesive Design

When designing a mid-century modern landscape, it is crucial to create a cohesive design that complements the architecture. The landscape should be simple, uncluttered, and functional.

Color Scheme

The color scheme used in the landscape should complement the colors used in the architecture. Think bold, saturated colors in conjunction with neutral tones.

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Lines and Shapes

The lines and shapes used in the landscape should complement the lines and shapes used in the architecture. Think clean lines and geometric shapes.


When designing a mid-century modern landscape, it is crucial to keep maintenance in mind. The landscape should be easy to maintain and not require a lot of upkeep.

Plant Selection

Select plants that are easy to maintain and don’t require a lot of water or pruning. Think succulents, grasses, and low-growing shrubs.

FAQs – Landscape Design for Mid Century Modern Homes

What is mid century modern architecture?

Mid century modern architecture is a design style that became popular in the United States from the 1940s to the 1960s. It is characterized by clean lines, organic shapes, and an integration with nature. Homes that have a mid century modern design typically have large windows, flat roofs, and an open floor plan.

What are some common landscape design elements for mid century modern homes?

The landscape design for mid century modern homes is all about creating an outdoor space that complements the architecture of the house. Some common landscape design elements include using natural materials like stone and wood, incorporating clean lines and geometric shapes, and using plants that complement the style of the house. Other features like fountains, pools, and outdoor lighting can also be incorporated into the landscape design for a mid century modern home.

How can I create a low-maintenance landscape for my mid century modern home?

One way to create a low-maintenance landscape for your mid century modern home is to use native plants that are well-suited to the climate in your area. These plants require less water and maintenance, and they are more likely to thrive in your specific environment. Using hardscaping like stone patios and walkways, as well as incorporating drought-tolerant landscaping techniques like using mulch and drip irrigation, can also help to reduce the amount of maintenance required.

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How can I create a natural connection between my mid century modern home and the landscape?

Incorporating elements like large windows, sliding glass doors, and outdoor living spaces like patios and decks can help to create a natural connection between your mid century modern home and the landscape. Using natural materials like stone and wood in your landscaping, and incorporating plants and trees that are native to your area, can also help to create a seamless transition between your home and the surrounding natural environment.

What are some important considerations when designing the landscape for a mid century modern home?

When designing the landscape for a mid century modern home, it’s important to consider the architecture of the house and how the landscape can complement it. Other important considerations include the climate and natural environment in your area, as well as your own personal style and preferences. Working with a professional landscape designer can help you to create a cohesive and personalized landscape design that fits perfectly with the style of your mid century modern home.

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